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Robin Williams
Williams Quotes
Robin Williams passed
away on August 11, 2014, but his legacy will go on forever. An Academy Award winner, his comedy brought comfort to so
many people over the years. To remember him, take a look at some of his most
unforgettable quotes.
If you have watched the
evolution of this great comedian since his Mork
and Mindy days, you would recollect that Williams was full of
energy and life. Robin Williams had the unusual charm of an innocent kid, while
still looking older than his co-stars. His humor and impish charm was
infectious, winning the hearts of millions of kids worldwide. Robin Williams'
character, as a boy suffering from progeria, in the movie Jack is endearing, and
heartbreaking at the same time. He appeals to the child within you, making you fall in love with
Who can forget the
unforgettable Mrs. Doubtfire?
Or for that matter Bicentennial
Man? When Robin Williams donned the greasepaint, he did it with a
purpose. He got into the flesh of the character and enacted the role
consummately. Here are some Robin Williams quotes that give a glimpse into the
workings of the witty mind of this brilliant stand up comedian and gifted actor.
Robin Williams Quotes
Mikael Adam 9:11 PG 0
Robin Williams QuotesMikael Adam 9:11 PG
Mikael Adam
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